The Dreamers

festive pox

We, the Dreamers, still believe in miracles and the magic of Christmas—like a tiny seed that grows when given light, water, love, and care. It flourishes into a tree with deep roots and fragrant fruits, fruits capable of embracing and bringing joy to all who continue to dream of their ideal life, their own paradise on earth... For us, this world is none other than the world of inner fulfillment and serenity—a world of peace, love, joy, and harmony.

Thus, we invite all those who still believe in miracles to join us for our own Christopsomo cutting, to taste our handmade melomakarono, and to add their own wish to our small and humble seed. On Christmas Eve, starting in the afternoon, we will knead the Christopsomo together, shape our melomakarona, and at 7 PM, we will all share in the treat together.

From that day until January 10th, our store will be collecting food, which will be delivered on January 11th to the Love Foundation in Arnaia. Together, we can change the world!

For inquiries, contact: +30 694 431 6480


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